1. Find a flat image of a flag, make sure that it is not a very small image, and save this image.
2. Google will tell you the dimensions of the image because you will need these for the size of your after effects composition.
3. Create a new project (ctrl+N) in after effects and title it Logo, use the dimensions from your flat flag image and change the time to 10 seconds.
4. Import your flag to the project and drag it onto the canvas or the timeline. If the flag does not fit to the canvas you can press CTRL+ALT+F.
5. Create a new project (ctrl+N) and name it fractal.
6. Press CTRL+Y to adda new solid BLACK layer.
7. Now go to the EFFECT tab at the top of the scrren and go to NOISE&GRAIN> FRACTAL NOISE and click.
8. In the Effects Control Window to the left of your program, turn on the stop watch of EVOLUTION and then move your scrubber on the timeline to the end of timeline and change the evoltion number manually to -1.
9. Open up the transform option of the FRACTAL NOISE EFFECT and turn on the stopwatch of the OFFSET TURBULENCE. Change the second set of number in the OFFSET TURBULENCE from 1000 to 4000 (if you find in the future that your flag moves too slow or too fast then this is the number that you will need to mess around with) . Move the scrubber to the beginning of the timeline and change the first number of the OFFSET TURBULENCE to "0".
10.Under the rotation transformation sub-object level is a button labeled "Uniform Scaling" click on the box to uncheck it and then change the SCALE WIDTH to 300 and the SCALE HEIGHT to 600. Also change the complexity option to "2".
11.Press CTRL+N and create a new composition called FRACTAL LOGO.
12. Drag the FRACTAL and LOGO layers into the timeline from the project tab. Make sure that the fractal layer is aboce the logo layer. If you do not have a PROJECT tab then press CTRL+0.
13. At the bottom of the After Effects program is a button titled "Toggle Switches / Modes" press that button and you will notice that next to the layers in the timeline appear boxes with the word "NORMAL" in them, this is the type of blend mode. Change the FRACTAL layer blend mode from NORMAL to MULTIPLY and then press the "Toggle Switches / Modes" button to hide the mode option because we will no longer need this.
14. Create a new composition (CTRL+N) and title it MAIN.
15. Drag FRACTAL LOGO and FRACTAL down into the timeline in that order.
16.In the EFFECTS AND PRESETS (CTRL+5) window on the right of the screen type "CARD DANCE" and drag it to the FRACTAL LOGO layer.
17. In the EFFECTS CONTROL window (if you don't have this window or folder go to the WINDOW tab at the very top of the screen and find it, then click on it) change the ROWS to 150, COLUMNS to 200, GRADIENT LAYER 1 to 2. FRACTAL, change the transformation order to POSITION, ROTATE, SCALE, change the Z POSITION to INTENSITY 1, change the multiplier in the Z position to 0.8, change the X ROTATION to INTENSITY 1 and change the multiplier to 5.
18. If there are some bugs to work out try to go back on your own and figure them out. When you are finished label this project "FLAG DEMO YOUR LAST NAME" and turn it in.